Friday, October 23, 2015

D.I.Y. Last Minute Costume Ideas: Cookie Lyon

As promised here is the second installment of my D.I.Y costumes ( see first HERE) posts ( I promise to have one more up before "the" day).  

I decided to do a current cultural icon, "Cookie" from the show Empire. As I'm writing this its Wednesday night, and if your a fan  of the show you know it comes on tonight ( no this isnt a sponsored post). 

I'm yet to catch up with the season, but I imagine binge watching over Thanksgiving or Christmas break.

So I chose this costume because its pretty easy to replicate all you need is a printed Body Con dress (I'm also luving this One, & this lace up One), Boots ( you have to see This Instagram post #struggle) and most importantly a Fur Coat

A couple years ago I would have said a Fur Coat would be a closet novelty but not anymore they are everywhere ( a must have); you can get this One from Asos or this One from Dorothy Perkins if you dont already own one . If your a cheapskate like myself you might have some luck at a local consignment or thrift store. 
Viola! add a nude or red lip and your Cookie Lyon! You could even do a couples costume and get your boo to be Lucious. 
Will you be D.I.Y ing your costume?

Do you hear the Christmas bells ringing in the distance well I do, and I'm already thinking about GIFTS. As I was scrolling through Nordstroms website for GIFT IDEAS my Ebates widget popped up telling me I could get 6% cash back!! If you havnt already signed up, SIGN up Here. Its a great way to get a little CASH back whilst still giving.