Wednesday, May 17, 2017

5 Lessons MotherHood Has Taught Me

motherhood collage supplechic
I know this post is a little different from what I typically post, so if you came for style no worries you can check out my latest outfit posts Here

Motherhood taught me about perseverance, it was one of its first lessons, I persevered through about 6 months plus of morning sickness, I persevered through contractions that started days before my son was born. 
Through having a child (as a child really) with most of my family on a different continent, through having no mode of transportation but needing to take my newborn to his check up, through for a time no degree, and no home or income of my own.

Motherhood taught me to make up my mind, to make up my mind to endure the pain of full labor, endure giving up my youth ( had my son at 21), certain experiences, and the loss of my immature view of love and loyalty.

Motherhood taught me to tap into my inner strength to endure, working on my bachelors and masters degree while raising a child and working, dealing with mom guilt, and putting others need above mine.

Motherhood taught me to find the capacity to be loyal while feeling disappointed, to love someone as much as I loved myself if not more.

Self Esteem
Motherhood taught me to love myself, because of my strength, to be confident in my voice, to appreciate my body stretch marks, hyper pigmentation, loose skin, cellulite, and all. To realize that my worth does not come from superficial things.

To sum it all I guess its shown me the resilience of the woman's spirit; the last ten years of my life despite what social media may depict hasn't been ______ and giggles. There are moments that have been really hard and seasons that have made me want to give up (on my educational, business, and even marital endeavours).

I'm still grateful, my son turned ten this year and in him I see a living testimony, a culmination he is a vibrant oneAlthough these last ten years haven't been the easiest, and I feel like Im not quite where I want to be. I know they probably pale in comparison to some. The only real advice I can give to those being refined like myself is to hold on to Jesus he is the one who loves, who saves, who comforts, who makes everything new.

Need some last minute mother's day gift ideas checkout this POST 
BTW, your eyes are not deceiving you this post is late yall but I still felt it needed to be shared 

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In case you haven't heard it lately you are loved Have an amazing day!


  1. Awwww, this post was inspiring! I can relate to many of the things you shared here. Like you, I've felt like giving up. Still do, in fact, I do right now in this moment. But reading your post has given me hope to keep pushing. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Awwh Kishana I am soo... glad this post had an impact. We have this tendency to believe when we are going through situations that we are the only ones, thanks to the fallacy of social media everyone's lives seems perfect but its no ones life is. We are all going through something and I am starting to learn the importance of sharing. Know that whatever you are going through, shall pass just hold on to the Hope that is ever present in his Love for us.
