Tuesday, October 6, 2015

D.I.Y Costume Ideas: Rosie the Riveter

I want to premise this by saying that I dont celebrate Halloween, the origins of the holiday ( if you can call it that) and its background do not sit well with me. However I totally understand why people enjoy the holiday; like who dosnt like playing dress up. 

I choose to do this post now because I know that with the aforementioned holiday looming costumes are on every ones mind.  Rather than over paying on another ‘pre-made’ corny, ill fititng, and not well made costume, my suggestion is to D.I.Y your costume. Its original, you save some money (that you can put towards these Killer Boots) and you are sure no one will be wearing your exact look .

For the first costume I choose a classic Rosie the Riveter  ( a symbol of female empowerment) this costume is probably one of the easiest costumes to recreate because all of the items are pieces that most people have in their closet. 

Everyone has or  knows some one who has Denim, and a Red Scarf; because of the nature of the poster we dont know what she has on on the bottom, so you can let your imagination run wild ( but remember you want the focus to be on your top half). Instead of a Canadian tuxedo like ive shown, you could do a Denim Jumpsuit or a Denim Dress  and pair the look with Converses, red Sandals ( on sale $40),  or printed Pumps like I've done. 

 I will be putting up a D.I.Y costume lookbook on Youtube so stay tuned for that and Subscribe to my Channel if you havnt already.

How do you feel about dressing up? do you celebrate halloween?