Unless otherwise noted, all posts are created by me for SuppleChic. I try my best to link the original source to all images that are from other sources. If you find that I have not provided a link or have linked to an incorrect source, please email me at chichi.o@supplechic.com and it will be fixed.
SuppleChic is a part of affiliate programs. This means that if a link or ad is clicked on the blog or one of the social media accounts, SuppleChic could receive a fee from that click or percentage of a sale. SuppleChic may use cookies which may collect anonymous information on the browsing habits of users which may be shared.
SuppleChic may also collaborate with brands on the blog. This could include wearing gifted items or sharing a service. All gifted items will be denoted and all sponsored posts will contain a disclaimer at the end of the post in which it is shared. SuppleChic is NOT responsible for the privacy policies for any sites that are link to.
All opinions are my own and I will only share things that I truly like. In some cases these things (items) that are featured are purchased with the express purpose of providing inspiration for my readers and are returned after. I do not save and will not share personal information I collect with third parties. Finally I reserve the right to change the privacy policy at any time.