Monday, January 11, 2016

Healthy Habits: Quick & Easy Ways To Get Healthy in 2016

Have you ever made a new years resolution to loose X amount of  weight?  did you loose it ? Did you gain it back? Have you ever asked your self why? If you've been in this situation then today's post is for you.

So its the new year and with new year comes everyone resolution to loose X amount of weight. Not many people actually stick to these resolutions because of old habits.So this year I thought It was best to share tips that will help you tackle the  problem at the source. No one gets fat over night, being fat for most is a culmination of bad habits. This post isn't intended to be judgmental, after all look at me ( I remember when I was This Small) I know from experience that it feels good to be bad, I am just stating facts.

I had heard that it takes 21 days to form a new habit ( actually the average is 66 days).  However If you swap out your old habits for the new habits below, at the least you will be a happier, motivated, more energized version of your self and you might even loose those pounds.

First Tip start fresh Detox ( try Juicing, Teas e.t.c) regularly and start taking Multi Vitamins. Swap your drinks for water if you have got a sweet tooth try a Water Infuser. Be less of a couch potatoes, walk more (little things like parking further in a parking lot make a difference) to keep track get a Fitness Tracker like a FitBit.

Trade the chips/cookies for healthier snacks, try a Healthy Snack subscription ( like Nature Box) if you dont know where to start. Put your money where your mouth is invest in cute workout clothes,  ( so you dont have an excuse not to go work out) love these Leggings. Old Navy has great budget options, if your busty  Macys & Nordstrom have got you covered ( this Sports Bra has 124 five star reviews) .

Dont like eating Veggies get more in by drinking them ( you can even add in super foods like Chia Seed),  a Nutri Bullet makes it so easy . Lastly a healthy body starts with a healthy mind, exercise your mind read more (listen to podcast if you dont like reading I like this One) you can try something motivating like This.


Do you have any resolutions or goals this year, are you already incorporating these tips in your life are they working, let us know below. Be sure to come back Thursday its all about Valentines Day ( too early?).

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