Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas

Actually Happy Boxing Day, I know I know we are a day late but I couldn't not wish you guys season's greetings the run-up to Christmas was hectic to say the least. Keeping up with my content schedule and job from Vlogmas, to Gift Guides, Outfit posts etc.. So much so that on Saturday I was told in so many words about myself  (#worklifebalance) and informed that I needed to relax. 

So I hope you guys had a relaxing Christmas Day filled with love, family and Gifts. For those who had to spend Christmas alone remember the real reason for the season. On a day like this a long time ago God became man (Jesus) out of love so that our souls wouldnt be lost. No matter how absent or present people may be in your life hold on to the fact that you are never alone.

His love comforts, heals, restores, calms......... if you just let it in.


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