Showing posts with label sonsi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sonsi. Show all posts

Friday, June 22, 2012

SONSI FFFWEEK RECAP: Curves Connections & Cocktails Event & Be-YOU-tiful POP-UP PARTY

So if you are following me on any of my social media platforms you would know that I was in New York for FULL FIGURE FASHION WEEK ( click here for info). I attended two events the Curves, connections and cocktail event (Curvy Cabaret) and the Sonsi Be-YOU-tiful pop-up party. 
The first event I went to was the Curves and Connections event and the highlight of my night was having Fluvia Lacerda compliment my dress. 
I was exhausted can you tell from the picture,.... I am very shy so I have been trying to put myself out there; anywho it took all I had to walk up to her,and as you can see it payed off.
Unfortunately I didn't get any footage because I misplaced my camera, however I hope these pictures will be enough.

Fluvia Lacerda

FULL FIGURE FASHION WEEK is an annual event and last year was my first time going, this year I was lucky enough to attend a  networking event 
( my first ever Press event) 
sponsored  by Sonsi which was the pop-up party.

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing/meeting bloggers, especially the ones I know virtually like Alyssa,Jennifer,Marcy,Jessica,Marie and many more.
plus size woman

 we were treated to h'orderves and there were stations where we could get 5 min manicures & our makeup done 

full figured woman
Alyssa of
full figure fashion week
Mrs. Devoe

We also got to preview Sonsi Swimwear as well as swak designs fall collection in addition there was a bra fitting station as well as a raffle (basically mini pampering sessions) 

sonsi swim wear
Sonsi Swimwear
Swak Designs 

SWAK Designs

Jennifer of Jasiferlionsclub

Jessica Kane and Marcy Guevara   

Marie Denee of thecurvyfashionista and fellow Blogger


All in all it was an awesome trip although it was tiring; after the event I went shopping which is my favorite thing to do when I go to New York
(You haven't shopped till you've shopped in New York)
 ❤  NY

My Favorite spot currently in NY 5 Floors of Awesomeness

P.S Just wanted to say thank you to Sonsi for giving me the opportunity to attend their event and I hope to see them next year!