Monday, November 19, 2012


Sorry to interrupt regularly scheduled programing. This post was intended to be a video on youtube but after some thought I knew I wouldn't have it up before thanksgiving so I opted to do a post. If you have ever ventured into making video's you will know its no small feet. From editing out outtakes to bloopers: I have a very VIBRANT five year old ( who always wants to be in mommy's videos), to voice overs, to editing pictures, to video effects and finally rendering ( in my mind you only do youtube for two reasons you love it or you are getting paid lol).
 I came up with three scenarios and styled my outfits accordingly.
Meet the parents
For many reasons the holidays seem to be the most convenient time for folks in relationships to meet each others families. If you are in that situation this is for you. Personally I would go sweet and sassy no matter your personal style (that is if you are into whips, chains, spikes, lace, leather and all things naughty) this is not the time to show it ( even if its on trend) mom's as well as dads have a view in their heads of whom they want their son to be with and none of the afore mentioned items of clothing is involved. With that in mind I started with a chiffon blouse tucked into a skater skirt which I finished of with opaque tights and a bootie.

how to wear a  skater skirt
watch: Michael kors (get similar HERE HERE HERE) Bag: Thrift (get similar HERE HERE HERE)

what to wear to meet the parents
shoes: Macys skirt: H&M(get similar HERE HERE HERE) blouse: Thrift (get similar HERE HERE HERE)

Now this is what I do during the holidays.I leave all my fancy clothes at home because they get in the way of me getting down.This is such an easy outfit a tunic and leggings . Legging are perfect cause they have stretch in them and a roomy tunic will camouflage any food baby.

what to wear Holiday Dinners

Tunic: H&M (get similar HERE HERE) sleeveless trench: Old Navy leggings: Target ( cool leggings HERE HERE)

how to wear a tunic
boots: Just Fab ( get HERE or similar HERE  and wide calf ones HERE) scarf: Gift

First I will say I have never been a hostess (at least not officially anyway). Its something I dread ( but I know its coming)  because I know the work involved in cooking and of course cleaning because your having guests over and finally cleaning after they leave. Like most hostesses you will be busy till the last minute, probably showering as your guests are arriving. You want to keep things simple, practical but put together/luxe. when I think luxe "silk" is the first thing that comes to mind. I started off with a silk blouse and to add a kick I paired it with leather pants, finally I topped it off with a cozy cardigan a statement ring and sparkly studs.

How to dress down leather pants

what to wear thanksgiving dinner
ring: Ebay  studs:Moms   blouse: Thrift(get similar HERE HERE) Sweater :Thrift (A Printed one HERE  or HERE)  

How to wear leather pants
pants: Thrift (get similar HERE HERE) shoes: Target (get similar HERE HERE HERE

P.S skater skirts are great for all body types they camouflage as well as give the illusion of more where their is less and you can eat as much as you want. Also leather pants are optional maybe a Jacquard/ brocade pant or one in oxblood if you want to stay on trend but any slim/ankle pants will do. Would love to see what you wear for your upcoming holiday dinners you can tag me on IG or tweet me a pic  everything is @supplechic. So which role will you be playing for Thanksgiving/Christmass?



  1. I love all of the looks especially the grubbin one since thats what Ill be doing thursday lol. My outfit for thursday will consist of tights/leggings as well lol

    1. its thanksgiving day and i dont know what to wear story of my life lol, yep you cant go wrong with leggings and a tunic

  2. the grubbing look is everything!

  3. I usually dress up. I like dressing up for Holiday parties. Meanwhile, my favorite look of yours is definitely the Grubbing Look.
